Lambs, Lambs, Lambs (in Sweaters), and More Lambs

A few days ago, I wrote an article for the New England Barbecue Society’s newsletter in the National Barbecue News that talks about the time we barbecue competitors put into practicing the craft. It was inspired in part by a comment made by Andy Husbands, the Chef/Owner of Boston’s Tremont 647 (and member of the…
Do you want to try grilling, but find the choices of fuel, cookers, and timing overwhelming? Are you an experienced griller ready to step up your game? Are you a food lover looking for a fun Saturday spent hanging out and eating tasty treats right off the fire? Chris Sargent, pitboss of Howling Hog BBQ,…
A customer stopped by to pick up her half pig today. She lives out of state and waits until the smoked meats are back from the smokehouse to pick up her entire order at once. She has been a loyal and wonderful customer for many years, but today she confided that she still had some…
Plenty of people love to eat meat, but are concerned that they shouldn’t, because of negative stories that they see about animal products. The environmental impacts of flooding manure lagoons; pictures of animals being treated poorly; the long distances food is trucked to get to our plates; and simply not knowing (or trusting) the companies…
Does the world feel a little unsettled right now? Yeah, me too. I don’t have kids at home (OK, our kid is 22 and has a job that he is not able to do from home, so there’s THAT extra feeling of stress in our household), BUT I know that life has suddenly gotten a…
I don’t know how you were raised, but I feel like I had a typical rural Vermont upbringing. My parents were (and are!) fiercely independent, and self-sufficiency was one of my primary lessons. There wasn’t a thing I couldn’t do, or learn, or be responsible for. And that’s how I conducted my life, for about…
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Great pictures – all of them – of both the 4 legged and 2 legged creatures!
Thank you so much! <3
Ok. You just made my day. Great pictures.
Those pictures of you and Chris, really made me smile.
I can’t wait for your barbecue!
Thank you! So glad you like them! <3
Finally taking the time to read you newsletter. Too much cuteness!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks for reading and supporting us! <3