About Us

Do you wonder how the meat at the supermarket was raised, and whether it had a life?
We did too, and that’s why we started raising our own pork and lamb over 18 years ago.
Do you like to eat meat but find different cuts intimidating or find yourself hard to be inspired?
We did too. Basically, we grew up eating overcooked hamburger and steak. We were just like you–hungry for more–and that led us on a food-filled journey through competition barbecue and grilling events all over New England, learning from creative newbie cooks, James Beard Award winners, and everyone in between.
Do you struggle to feel healthy and energized?
We did too, until we kicked the carbohydrate habit and focused on nutrient dense foods as the basis of our diet. After more than 25 years overweight–we really get it!
All of these experiences form who we are, and how we believe we can help you feel better about your meat.
We believe that animals should have a good life, and that you should know what you’re buying and putting in your body. We believe that there’s much joy and community to be had when people gather together around a meal prepared with love and skill. And we believe that you should feel good, both in your body and your heart, to know that your support helps local Vermont farmers treat the land and animals well.
We look forward to seeing you on the hill!
Jenn & Chris